We stand to Aid Acid Victims

Abinta Kabir Foundation Stands to Aid Acid Victims


Abinta Kabir Foundation is an initiative that aspires to take form and become an entity which showers the benevolence that Abinta had. It was Abinta’s dream to help those who are less fortunate and those who need it the most. Abinta always strived to fulfill their need and dreamt, of one day, making an organization that would work to better the lives of such that included acid victims. Her strong sense of morals and values have made this organization to be what it is and it also inspires the Foundation to uphold her memories through social work.

Abinta dreamt of building a wholesome loving community where everyone was treated equally. She hoped that no one would be treated as outcasts in the society and that everyone would be able to fulfill their ambitions and dreams. Once during a social work, Abinta came across victims of acid violence and seeing a little boy of just 8-years old made her question how and why do people commit such heinous acts. She wrote, “the acid burned the boy’s mouth and throat and he now needs to use a feeding pipe for the rest of his life… I wondered what kind of life he would lead, as he grew older; as if this pain and lifetime burden were not enough, society also treats acid victims as outcasts…I am inspired by the strength of these people”. Taking this as recount from her life, the Foundation aims to help acid victims and better their conditions.

In this context, we attempted to show our never ending support for initiatives like Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF). On March 29, 2017, the Abinta Kabir Foundation donated 140-meter fabric for pressure garments to the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF). Pressure garments is a special type of fabric that is required for acid and burn survivors. By using these garments, better physiotherapy treatment can be given to the acid and burn survivors. These garments will provide health benefits, such as protecting fragile skin, promoting better circulation of blood in damaged tissues, decreasing itching, helping to keep moisturizers on the wounds, and, so, lubricating the damaged skin. This will lead to the better rehabilitation of the victims as they get well. Upon receiving the donation, Selina Ahmed, Executive Director of Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) in a thanking note to Abinta Kabir Foundation wrote, “your generous support will contribute to continuing our mission. It is expected that these pressure garments will benefit about 300 survivors of acid and other burn violence approximately 1000 times in next two years”.

At Abinta Kabir Foundation, we want to ensure that acid victims, who suffer unimaginable pain, are not treated as outcasts by society and instead are looked after with care. In the future, we want to inspire them and help them to get enough opportunities in the pursuit of their ambitions.

Book Drive Campaign for Abinta Kabir Foundation Schools

Neil Gaiman once said, “A book is a dream you hold in your hand”. Indeed it is true that books are dreams held in our hands. A book is a world in itself. It helps to bind thoughts together, help create newer perceptions and such. A book is a treasure for anyone, especially children. Books are not the only source by which they can get educated but it is also the source that serves to inspire them to dream. At Abinta Kabir Foundation, we have launched schools to educate the less privileged children of our country. It is our motive to give them quality education so that they can grow up to be responsible citizens and bring a change to their own lives. It also is our motive to inspire them to dream and broaden their minds. Keeping respect to that, the foundation has recently organized a book drive campaign to gather books for the children.


The goal of the campaign is to gather donations of new and gently used children’s books ranging in level from kindergarten to fourth grade, of varying topics and genres. These books go directly to students at the Abinta Kabir Foundation Schools, enabling them to develop a reading habit and enjoy reading.

The book drive campaign has commenced from 1st of June, 2017 and will continue till 31st of July, 2017. Book donations are being accepted at the following locations in Dhaka:


  1. Lavender Super Store Ltd. 30/2, 30/3, Progoti Shoroni, Shahjadpur, Dhaka. Helpline (of Lavender): 01730728994


  1. Lavender Super Store Ltd. Faisal tower, 27 North C/A, Gulshan 2, Dhaka.


  1. Abinta Gallery of Fine Arts, AJ Heights, Cha-72/1/D Progoti Shoroni,Uttar Badda, Dhaka-1212, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  2. .

Neonatal Incubators Donated to Dhaka Shishu Hospital

Abinta was a caring soul who thought about the children of our country. She believed that children from all the different walks of life had the potential to become great. Alongside this, she wanted to work towards the development of underprivileged children and help them lead a better life. It pained Abinta to see the death of infants due to health complications. She always wanted to avert their untimely death and promote good health of mothers.

The Abinta Kabir Foundation has been formed as a legacy to the memories and ideas of Abinta Kabir. The foundation hopes to work towards the development of children, less fortunate citizens of the country, acid victims and such. Keeping respect to this, the foundation has been working in many social endeavors. Recently, the foundation donated four neonatal incubators to the Dhaka Shishu (Children’s) Hospital.

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a specialized intensive care unit in a neonatal and children’s hospital. It specializes in the care of ill and prematurely born infants. The neonatal incubator at a NICU is used to maintain optimal environmental conditions that are suitable for a neonate or a newborn baby. It is used especially in the case of preterm births or for some babies who are born with severe health complications. A modern incubator includes a blood pressure monitor, an oxygen hood, and a ventilator. All of these aim to help the baby recover and get well soon.

At the distribution ceremony of the neonatal incubator at Dhaka Shishu Hospital, the PDGs, DG nominee and the Director of the Hospital were present. There were other staff members too and representatives of the Abinta Kabir Foundation. This donation by the foundation is only an attempt to fulfill one of the many legacies left by Abinta Kabir.

A tale of Abinta’s Bangladesh

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের এমোরি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের উনিশ বছর বয়সী শিক্ষার্থীর ডর্মরুমের দেয়ালে বিশাল আকৃতির বাংলাদেশের পতাকা ছিল। ভার্সিটির এসাইনমেন্ট …

Helping the less fortunates

Abinta believed that she had a part to play in elevating her community members to a better life. She had carried with herself a sense of responsibility for those who faced constant hardship and suffering. For Abinta, Bangladesh was home, and she aspired to lend a helping hand to as many as possible. This foundation tries to carry forward the beliefs and values that our founder held so deeply. This year when flood affected thousands of families all over Bangladesh, Abinta Kabir Foundation team decided to visit a small town called Belkuchi in Sirajgang. The initiative included a distribution of relief packages to 500 distraught families in hopes of easing their distress.

Abinta Kabir Foundation believes in the power of a helping hand and invites you to do the same.